Why should I build a concrete ramp?
The concrete ramps are made to bridge differences in height levels and have the main use in underground garage,industrial areas etc.
The surface must be stiff and cracked. Resistant to mechanical stress, waterproof and resistant to fat, acids and salts.
The existence of a strong and sound substrate is essential, especially when the floor is expected to receive large loads.
If it does not exist, it is advisable to create a layer of crushed material and pebbles and then a final layer with compressed 3A
A T131 structural reinforcement mesh for reinforcement of the concrete is installed and in the case of a soft ground double mesh.
C20/25 concrete reinforced with polypropylene fibers for increased mechanical strength in Thickness of at least 10 cm.,and the right slopes are formed by special guide -mold but depending on the difference in height and the length of the ramp.
It is coated with premixed cements consisting of specially graded quartz aggregates in fresh concrete with a consumption of 4-5 kg/m2 followed by the construction of the grooves that impart the anti-slip
The result is a smooth hard and durable surface in various colors (usually gray the tile)