When should I seal on my roof?
When I have yellow marks or stains on the ceiling.
When the plasters fall
When water dripping
But even if I do not have these signs, but the building is old and there is no waterproofing layer to protect my property from corrosion of the reinforcement and the alteration of the properties of the concrete.
When should I have thermal insulation on my roof?
When I have a lot of heat in the summer or it's very cold in the winter
When I spend a lot on heating or cooling
How do I seal my roof ?
There are many ways to seal:
With sealing materials
With bituminous membranes (asphalt pavers)
With synthetic membranes
We will quote the simple case of a rooftop that has low slope roof tilts to leave the water and we will seal it with the most common and at the same time efficient method of bituminous membranes:
A. Substrate preparation
1.Cleaning of the surface from oil, loose materials, etc.and normalizing it
B. Waterproofing
2.Apply asphalt solution. Apply with brush or roller.
3.Total bitumen bonding( LAYER A ).The membrane consists of asphalt mixture, enriched with polymers, has reinforcing non-woven polyester fabric, upper and lower polyethylene film coat suitable for use with a flamethrower. Weight of the film is 4 kg / m2.
4.Total bitumen bonding (B). The membrane weighs 4.5 kg / m2, non-woven polyester fabric reinforcement, upper coat of mineral wafers and polyethylene film undercoat.
The second layer will be completely affixed to the first and in parallel but not coincided with the A and B layer compounds.
The second layer will be completely glued to the parapet and if it is of a small height it will cover it, otherwise it will reach a height of 20 cm.
How do I thermal insulate my roof?
Of the various instances of technical thermal insulation solutions, the simplest is when the terraces are not flat and sealed,
Creation of heat-insulating layer with placement of extruded polystyrene slabs,5 cm thick, with 2cm cement slab coating.
If I want waterproofing and thermal insulation ?
A. Substrate preparation
1.Cleaning of the surface from oil, loose materials, etc.and normalizing it
B. Thermal insulation
- 2 Creation of two-layer asphalt emulsion vapor barrier with a total consumption of 1 kg / m2.
- 3 Creation of thermal insulation layer with extruded polystyrene plates, thickness 5 cm.
C. Creating low-slope roof tilts
-4.creating low-slope tilts with cellular concrete containing 400 kg / m3 of cement.
D. Waterproofing
-5.Packing asphalt solution. The application is done by brush or roller .
-6. Total bitumen bonding (A LOAD). The membrane consists of an asphalt mixture, enriched with polymers, has armature polyester fabric but non woven, the upper and lower coating film polyethylene suitable for use torch. The weight of the film is 4 kg / m2.
-7.Total adhesion of bituminous membrane (B). The film has a weight of 4.5 kg / m 2, non-woven polyester fabric reinforcement, overcoat of mineral wafers and a lower polyethylene film
The second layer will be completely affixed to the first and in parallel but not coincided with the A and B layer compounds.
The second layer will be glued totally to the parapet and if it is of a small height it will cover it, otherwise it will be at a height of 20 cm.